Caregivers Caring for Young Adults and Adult Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

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This presentation will include a discussion of mental health concerns individuals with development disabilities (age 16-64) may experience. A brief overview of diagnostic criteria, prevalence rates, treatment, and management of common mental health diagnoses will be provided. Habilitative programming for activities of daily living and behavioral concerns will be discussed, which will include a brief discussion on data-based decision making and available community resources. Finally, the presenter will discuss coping skills for caregivers to utilize to improve overall welling while caring for an individual with developmental disabilities.

Presented August 25, 2022


Presented by Lisa L. Neitzke, PhD, BCBA

Dr. Lisa L. NeitzkeDr. Lisa L. Neitzke, PhD, BCBA, is a licensed psychologist and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the Munroe-Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. She received her PhD in School Psychology from Oklahoma State University. She completed her doctoral internship at the Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology – Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Division of Developmental Disabilities, and completed post-doctoral training at the Munroe-Meyer Institute Adult Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Behavioral Health Clinic. As part of her doctoral training, she completed an area of study in Applied Behavior Analysis. Dr. Neitzke conducts her clinic at the Munroe-Meyer Institute and she provides services for adults and transition aged adults with developmental disabilities. Her clinical interests include developmental disability assessment, functional behavior assessments, and outpatient behavioral therapy. Dr. Neitzke works with individuals, families, and service providers such as Extended Family Home providers, group home staff, job coaches, and day service providers. She also provides supervision to doctoral practicum students in a clinical and community setting.

This session is part of the Education Series for the Family Caregiver, hosted by The Nebraska Caregiver Coalition.